Originally delivered on 8/13/2023 10:24 am

SUBJECT: Be in the Know with your PTO

Be in the Know with your PTO
Join the Roosevelt PTO

Be sure to join the PTO to enjoy many of the PTO events.  Plus, receive the weekly blasts and have access to the school-wide student directory.

Our annual 

PTO Membership Drive 

is underway

For the 2023-24 school year, PTO membership is $30 per family as we plan for many events and programs this school year.

We encourage every family to join the PTO! When you become a PTO member, there is no expectation to attend meetings or to volunteer your time. By purchasing a membership, you help make our many programs and events possible and affordable. With your membership you will receive:

  • Access to our complete online student and family directory (all families are included in the directory)
  • Our email blasts each week, which include all information on programs and events at school


PTO Memberships from '22-'23 need to be renewed by 8/30 to continue receiving the blasts and to have directory access.

Join the PTO
Meet Your 2023-24 PTO Executive Board Members


Demelza Steinfels & Kimberly Cowie


Stephanie Benavidez & Sasha Long


Karla Arnswald & Courtney Smee

Corresponding Officers: 

Ellen Anderson & Kate Special

Recording Officers: 

Megan Cronin & Elizabeth Bantel   

Come see us at New Family/Kindergarten Orientation on August 16th or Parent Night on August 30th.  

Upcoming Events You Won't Want to Miss

8/16:  New Family & Kindergarten Orientation 9am

8/22: School Supply Drop-Off 8:15-9am (if you purchased a school supply kit it will be waiting for your child in their classroom)

8/23:  First Day of School *dismissal at 2:40pm*

8/30: last day for PIZZA orders, last day to join the PTO to continue to receive the blasts, Parent Night 5:30-7:30pm

9/6:  First Pizza Wednesday of the year

9/7:  Camp Duncan (for 5th graders)

9/8: Back to School Bash 5:30-7:30pm

9/29:  Picture Day

10/13:  Tiger Trot

Click HERE for more information on volunteer opportunities
Pizza, Pizza, Pizza starting on 9/6

Order by August 30th!  No late orders will be accepted and no refunds.  This order is  for pizza on Wednesdays from 9/6 - 1/10.  

*Volunteer sign-up information coming soon!

Click Here to place your Pizza Order

On the Membership Toolkit site click on My Account to order!

Save the Date for the BACK TO SCHOOL BASH! September 8th 5:30-7:30pm
Roosevelt Chess Club

Chess-Ed is excited to return to Roosevelt School to provide lunchtime chess instruction this Fall. The 10-week program runs from 9/14/23 to 11/16/23 and takes place on Thursdays from 11:35 am to 12:30pm(during lunch).

The program is open to Roosevelt students in all grades and of all chess abilities(including those in full-day and half-day Kindergarten).Professional instruction will include the basics for beginner and novice players and build with opening theory, middle game planning, and end-game combinations for continuing and advanced students.

Register by 08/31/23 to take advantage of the lowest available fee.  For more information about the program, please refer to the program flyer.  

Roosevelt Reg Flyer -Fall 2023-2024.docx 

Click Here to Register for Chess Club
Stay Connected with Social Media

To follow the PTO on Facebook click HERE

For grade level Facebook Groups, click below

5th Grade

Still Need School Supplies?

You're in luck!!  Check out this link for a list to each grade's supply list!

Roosevelt School Supply Lists by Grade '23-24

If you ordered the school supply kit it will be waiting for your child in their classroom!

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